Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Assignment #01

It seems very fitting to kick this brand new blog off with an assignment from Madam P.  I’m not quite sure how to approach this assignment, but I desperately want to be a good girl, so I’m going to give it my best shot.

Madam P has asked me to write, from a slave’s perspective, what it’s like for me to crawl into bed with my Madam each night.  First a little background: Madam P requires a lot more sleep than her slave girl does, so Madam grants me the privilege of staying up late most nights to pursue my art.  By the time I get to bed, Madam P has typically been asleep for 3 to 4 hours.  Now that the nights have turned colder, when I crawl into bed next to Madam my body is chilled, my hands and feet are cold, but I still love to cuddle up close to Madam P.  Madam is such a good sport about my cold, cold body pressed up against her soft warm body, waking her from a dead sleep.  (Lately, as a sign of respect for Madam, I’ve been trying to warm myself up a little before I get into the bed.) 

Madam P feels heavenly!  Her skin is so soft.  Her hair, I can’t think of a way to describe in words just how lovely her hair feels; it’s smooth and soft… Madam P’s hair elicits feelings of ecstasy in me; I’m overwhelmed at times by how delightful her hair feels.  I love the smell; I love burying my face in Madam’s hair.  I love the red color.  Crawling into bed and burying my face in Madam’s hair takes me to another place, a place of joy and safety and ecstasy and transcendental bliss. 

So last night, as I crawled my chilly little body into the bed and wrapped my arms and legs all around Madam, and buried my face into the back of her head, Madam woke up for a minute or 2.  I placed my lips gently against the top of her ear and whispered, “You feel like Heaven!  I love you so much!”  “Heaven” is the closest I could come to associating a word to how transcendent I felt, my belly pressed to Madam’s back, my arms and legs all around her, my face in her hair… she felt like Heaven!

I adore Madam P.  I revere Madam P.  I want to fall at her feet and kiss them every time I see her.  I want to fall to my knees, wrap my arms around her waist and press my head into her beautiful breasts every time she approaches me with “I love you” on her lips and love in her eyes.  I want to lay on the floor so that Madam can put her feet on me when she’s watching TV, as a pure expression of my devotion to, admiration of and awe for her.  I want to look to Madam to make decisions for me, to command me, to act out her whims on me.  I want Madam to know and feel all day everyday in every way the love, admiration and respect that I feel flowing through me towards her and all that she means to me.  To that end, the best I have to offer her is my total attention, my unconditional love, my absolute submission, and the best words I can come up with to describe what the experience is like for me to be near her….. “You feel like Heaven!”


slave missy

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