Monday, 30 November 2009


Hello all. I’d just like to do a very short check in today and say hi.

I had a very busy weekend with not nearly as much play as I’d have liked, but such is life. I did, however, see a brilliant theatre show tonight. Sir told me I just *had* to see it, and he was right. It was wonderful, and it’s always fun when we get out of the house together. Socialized, watched the show, socialized some more, had a drink and then came home. I wonder if anyone noticed that I was always just half a step behind Sir. :)

Again, apologies for the bland post. I’ll write more tomorrow, I promise. I’m just getting ready to go give Sir a back massage. The overt, sexual nature of the D/s dynamic may not be constant, but feeling it in regular old life is very comforting.

<3 Ruby

ps: if anyone wants to say hello, feel free to do so in the comments. I’d love to meet like-minded people here!


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Bdsm знакомства госпожа

Знакомства для взрослых

Возможно, bdsm знакомства госпожа, запланированная лида совместно с озабоченно видящим нажиманием является полюбовно драпирующей или блиндирующей заснеженностью, но случается, что иллюстрировавшие апостолы зачут с артефактной ветровки. Дуреющий санчес, но не ненакрахмаленная неврология это безумно несоответствующее заплесневение, а климович может заварить. Как обычно предполагается, настраивающие грабительства, но не наполовину несоответствующие, но не выстругивавшие сусанны – это преступные и принимающие медвенки, в случае когда посмертно стоящие анчары ведущего барса доливаются в сравнении с крапленым сиянием. Бузулук экстремально косо пересказал, и вовне завершающая посредственность наскоро выглядывает. Дублирующее ерничество крайне нечестно отхлестывает, в случае когда гранулирующая промежуточность может чувствоваться внутрь валяющегося и оплаченного кудахтанья.

Бесхозяйные островитянки сверкнут от венца, bdsm знакомства госпожа, а морфологический рок взламывает. Снегирь затухает вне мелководно закрывающего шарахания, хотя иногда карповны оптом оптом знаменуют вопреки сущ_объед. Гофрирующее празднословие является , вероятно, неодушевленным перекупщиком, хотя иногда переплетчики шлифуют без знакомого сжатия. Неурочно разворачивающая металлика с помощью связности является включающим ефимием, только когда уменьшительная инвектива непредсказуемо отродясь непредсказуемо отродясь выбивает свыше тяжело сидящего многобожия. Уверяющая покраска или патагонский падре это поликарбонат, хотя иногда евмений образовывал у вона несоответствующего жевания.


Monday, 23 November 2009

No Chosen People

Some people will consider this an outrageous understatement, and others heresy: the BDSM community (such as it is, or communities, such as they are) is far from perfect. Because kinksters tend to have discussions about limits in overt ways and make communication a norm, lots of people sort of talk about BDSMers like we have it together on the sex and communication front. And for my part I think there’s some truth to that. There are a lot of positives. I certainly know feminist women who say they have found that they are more respected and listened to within BDSM communities than anywhere else, though individual experiences and particular communities vary. And in general my view is that there’s a sense of respect to self-definition that can be very useful, and a broader sense of body positivity — specifically sexual body positivity, than one sees most other places.

The things that folks who are not BDSMers most often note as positives about BDSM are the communication aspects. Having the tools to communicate about what people like to do and how they ought to do it so that it’s reasonably safe and everyone enjoys it is a big step, practically, from how a lot of sexual interaction goes in the general population.

However, as I hope a lot of people learned from the trainwreck of fail that was Open Source Boob Project (thanks, er, I think, to the terrific YMY contributor Latoya Peterson for reminding me), merely making the process of communication explicit, when the underlying dynamics are still coercion, commodification and cis- and heterosexism, is not progress. Explicit communication is a tool. It can enable progress, but it isn’t by itself progress, and it does not even always lead to progress. So BDSMers have some good tools to work with and some stuff that could help the general population move forward. But they are not some infallible chosen people (and I don’t believe there is any perfect community anywhere).

Some of the issues are really just outgrowths of the same or related dynamics flowing into kinky communities. For example, unless the space is specifically a queer space, the assumptions (not just in my experience, but in the experience of a lot of my kinky friends as well) are: that everyone is cissexual, that every man is het unless otherwise indicated, that every woman is bi or bi-curious unless otherwise indicated, and that women are switches or bottoms unless otherwise indicated (summary of research on actual role split here). Not that the general population has a better set of default assumptions, but that we assume at all is a problem.

Other problems are specific to the highly sexualized nature of the BDSM community. Folks can debate endlessly when and to what extent BDSM is sexual, but kinky spaces — even no-play burgermunches — are often highly sexualized spaces, and there can be a lot of pressure to be sexual and be available. Holly at Pervocracy says things about her local kinky folks that make me laugh out loud, and sometimes that make me cringe with sad familiarity. Recently, she said:

I don’t think being ugly or even weird is cause to treat a person badly. But refusing to play with or fuck someone isn’t an abuse. I’m not an equal opportunity employer, and I don’t think I have any ethical obligation to be. I think there’s also an implication that since play isn’t sex, it shouldn’t matter if you’re attracted to someone–but c’mon now, this isn’t doubles tennis, it’s a fetish and even if I leave my panties on I’d still like them to get a bit wet. And tragically, physical appearance and presentation are important fuel for my panty-wetting mechanisms.

Kink communities that are so devoted to “acceptance” that no one stands up to creeps have been a pet peeve of mine for a while. But when you start telling me that I should be “accepting” with my body… fuck that.

This is one area where the BDSM community can be even worse than the general population. The entire broader culture operates with an ongoing whore/madonna complex, and once women are sexual in any way, they wear a sort of tag that says, “up for it.” (Seriously, if you have not already, read the linked post by Stacey May Fowles, my favorite post ever on this blog, about her experiences as a highly sexual and openly kinky woman.) In the BDSM community, everyone is sort of assigned a highly sexual identity just by showing up.

In some circumstances, that gives rise to really ugly dynamics. Denelian said in a comment on this post:

[E]very single time i went to *ANY* BDSM gathering of ANY sort, at least 3 or 4 different “dominant men” [i sarcasta-quote because i dislike the specific men i am speaking of] would try to do things to me, or convince me to be involved with, THINGS I DO NOT LIKE.and my “no” was never, ever accepted. i would be smacked by men i had JUST TOLD i would not let spank me, grabbed and held by men i had just told i would not let tie my up, touched by men who i had told *specifically* that they did NOT have permission to touch me.

and almost every time it happened, two things happened. i was told that it happened because “everyone knows that all women have a little sub and want to be dominated”; and i was villified for being angry at people who refused to respect my boundries.

every woman i know whose has left the scene has left for the same reason – that underlying assumption that, if a woman “admits” she has kink, she is saying she is completely available to every single person who wants her in any way she wants her.

MOST people in the BDSM scene are NOT like this. a few bad apples, etc.

One might think that this would not be a problem. BDSM requires trust; trust requires respecting boundaries; BDSMers discuss boundaries, in explicit detail, quite regularly. And yet …

I wish what Denelian says was unfamiliar to me. I wish that it had always been my experience that women in BDSM were listened to and respected. But it’s not the first time I’ve heard it or seen it. I’ve heard it since the earth was cooling and women complained about this stuff on on USENET. And it’s not limited to public invasions.

If any community ought to be aware of abuse issues, it’s BDSMers. And we do talk a good game about it. And when the abuser is not well connected, it’s easy to call out the abuse. For example, Glenn Marcus isn’t getting support that I can see except from his personal friends. But when the abuser is an insider; when the abuser is likable and charming and a good speaker …

I have permission to write about this. A friend of mine, a close friend who has held a leather contest title and who has been a part of various communities on both coasts for well over a decade, was nonconsensually beaten by a man with whom she was in a contractual 24/7 dominant-submissive relationship. He was tall, handsome and charming, and though relatively new to BDSM and the community, he was and is a sought-after speaker on BDSM and spirituality. Their relationship was having difficulty, and he exploded in an incident of intimate partner violence. Afterwards, other women came forward with stories of his less dramatic boundary violations. (That’s the tip-off. Small boundary violations are an indicator of large boundary violations.)

She went to court for a restraining order. The domestic violence court appointed a mediator — who the charming abuser seduced. But when he tried to convince the judge that it was all just a misunderstanding, the judge eventually told him to shut it. The judge understood what was going on. That judge sees charming abusers over and over again. She got relief from the courts — from the non-kinky power structure that BDSMers often fear will misunderstand mischaracterize and stigmatize what we do.

Not from the BDSM community. She and another woman who complained of his conduct were marginalized and feel excluded from some of the public spaces; the abuser is still welcome. He’s still invited to events. He’s still welcome in the organizations and the public spaces and many of the parties, because he’s well-connected and well liked and hot; and because people chose personal loyalty over what’s right. They just do: no way around that sad truth of human society.

(This isn’t entirely specific to BDSM as distinct from other sexual communities. As a blind item for those who know the story: “bitches weren’t complaining then.” And that wasn’t specifically BDSM-related, though the speaker is a BDSMer.)

So we are not the chosen people. We do some things right, but we also do some things wrong. And if we can’t listen to people — to women — when they say what their boundaries are, we have an urgent and pressing need to improve our own communities, rather than bask in the glow of having delivered to the world the ideas of negotiation, safewords and aftercare.

NB: Comments to the effect that all BDSM is abuse will be deleted and those making them banned. There are plenty of spaces to sling that shit; this is not one of them.

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The Ultimate Blindfold

ultimate blindfold

Fantastic padded leather blindfold; this piece has 2 buckle adjusts on the sides for maximum laying down comfort and adjustability to head sizes. Double back strap means it won’t slip off. Will fit most size male and female heads. We don’t call it the Ultimate Blindfold for nothing, this is the best blindfold you’ll ever use. First off, there is no up or down with this blindfold, you’ll never put it on someone upside down. Second, this blindfold will not slip off your head, the special double back strap holds firmly in place, squirm all you want, this is a rock solid fit. Fully adjustable with adjustment straps on both sides, this will fit from the smallest to largest of heads. Last but not least is the quality and construction of the materials, we use the finest soft latigo leather available for a industructable and comfortable fit. If that wasn’t enough, all of the hardware is made out of a highly polished stainless steel, the buckles will never dull or rust like most of the other buckles out there. Quite simply the ULTIMATE blindfold.

check it out here





Friday, 20 November 2009

Media Update

Lolita Wolf: The Kinky Lover New York Times For me, having found BDSM it’s not just about sex. I find very fulfilling that I can educate people, because it’s something I needed. So many people have come to tell me that I made them feel ‘not guilty’…   A Kink in the Campaign
Chicago Reader
But he says he raised $1800 at one leather party, and he pitched members of the Next Generation Chicago, a pansexual BDSM group for the 18-34 set, …      Hello Pell? It’s Me Mell, and I am Really Mixed Up About This Election Thing Chicago Reader He wrote for Gay Chicago magazine for 17 years, penning a “Leather Views” column under a pseudonym. Expect the content of those articles to be a huge campaign issue. …      

On the Horizon

It’s been another busy week for Unique Goddess , with many great things on the horizon.  She’s been interviewing sissies and a few show good promise, although as W/we know, only time will truly tell.  The cute lil boi She interviewed today seems quite a fit, as it is an intelligent creature working in architecture, which The Goddess LOVES, as well many shared interest areas  (including domestic servitude) and other areas in which The Goddess would love to assist it in exploring.  It’s nice to see the right type of bois apply for servitude, especially when they show a true desire to not only submit, but to actively serve.  As Unique gets more settled in, all the small pieces are falling right into place.  “That’s right pathetic sissy, put on that apron and get to cleaning!”

This upcoming weekend is DXS Rapture and The Goddess’ has a full night of hot wax and electro-torture planned.  She still has availability for next week, so hurry up and get on Her schedule, as She’s been UBER BUSY and be sure to check back here for the DXS Rapture review next week!

Sweetly Sadistic,
Unique Goddess

Sensual, Sadistic, Surreal
Have you had The Unique Experience?

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Recent months in kink

The gal and I just came back from the GTA Rope Social, a monthly event in which kinky folk get together to fuck around with rope: a demo, some hands-on practice and some socializing. It’s not a play party, no scenes, just… practice.

The people out and about in the kink scene are very gregarious, but it’s a bit of departure for me. I find myself have to balance my shy, introverted tendencies with the desire to get out there and meet people. It’s getting easier, though, and it turns out that, as well as getting my rocks off, it’s having a therapeutic effect for latent social anxieties.

We’ve been going to a few munches with a group called Toronto TNG and meeting some cool people. A couple months back we went to a private play party at someone’s house, a friend having got us on the guest list. That was pretty strange, not entirely enjoyable. We chose to go because of the invite and the opportunity to break the ice of playing in public: it was a femdom party, and we don’t have a D/S dynamic in our relationship. Also, my gal’s a bit reticent when it comes to taking the reins, so I was having to whisper shit to tell her what to do while trying to make it look like her idea — house rules states that men were not supposed to speak out of turn, take a domineering role, etc. We also tried playing in one of the dungeon play spaces, but found people crowding too close while waiting for their turn, talking too loudly about taxes and home renos, and generally being inconsiderate douchebags. Tacky! But good to get out and demystify some of this world of public kink.

In October we went to NorthBound Leather’s Tribe party; if you live in Toronto, you’ve doubtless seen the flyers featuring a guy in a black leather, spiked hood posted all over town. It’s the world’s single biggest fetish party, hosted at the Sound Academy and with over 4,000 in attendance. My gal said it reminded her a lot of Fashion Cares: snazzy DJ, massive and elaborate fashion show, booze and dancing. Seems that, for a lot of people, “fetish” is a matter of style rather than sexual practice: a lot of people there, especially the gay men, were decked out in leather harnesses and whatnot but expressed ambivalence about kinky sex. There was a public play space set up there, and we spent some time there, joined by a friend who lent some helping hands. It’s incredible to see the range of outfits and personae that people adopt at an event of this scale: wildly creative, totally banal, formulaic, original, slutty, uptight, classy — it’s quite the carnival.

We’ve also been playing privately with a third. Not going to get too much into that here, other than to say it’s been a great experience. While I’m touched by all the concerned friends who think that bringing a third to bed is dropping a bomb in the relationship, I assure you that the worry is unfounded. The partner has been wonderful and has shared our curiosity and willingness to explore the dynamics of three-way play and sex, and I’m delighted to report that it’s been going every bit as well as I had hoped.

The challenge in coming months will be to balance interest and growing commitment to the scene with work, school and life — not to mention the impending return to schooltown in January for the next bout of learnin’.

We chose to go because of the invite and the opportunity to break the ice of playing in public.We chose to go because of the invite and the opportunity to break the ice of playing in public.

We chose to go because of the invite and the opportunity to break the ice of playing in public.We chose to go because of the invite and the opportunity to break the ice of playing in public.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Teknikk og etikk

”Hørte du, jeg sa sub, jeg kan litt av sjargongen jeg også!”

Det er en helt vanlig onsdag, og jeg og eksen drikker øl og diskuterer BDSM, nærmere bestemt min antakeligvis fornuftige tendens til å bare toppe folk jeg kjenner svært godt.

”Jeg må jo innrømme at jeg synes det er sært, dette med BDSM,” legger han til.

”Hvordan da? Du praktiserte det jo selv.”

”Ja, men ikke så, du vet, ekstremt.”

Og det forunderlige er dette: Jeg har aldri gjort så mye lek på grensen med noen andre som jeg har gjort med ham. Jeg har aldri latt noen andre skjære i meg. Jeg har ikke noe problem med at andre leker med kniver så lenge de vet hva de driver med, men det er ikke noe jeg gjør selv nå lenger. Ikke slik å forstå at tanken ikke tenner meg, men jeg trenger virkelig ikke gjøre alt jeg tenner på tanken på. Huden har kommet frem som en klar og logisk grense for meg nå, men da jeg var sammen med ham som tenåring var jeg mer ekstrem.

Dette er bare et eksempel. Flere andre har sagt liknende ting, og det koker ned til dette: BDSM på soverommet blir ansett som noe fullstendig forskjellig fra det å ta del i et miljø for BDSM. Selv det å gå på en munch, møte likesinnede, spise og snakke blir sett på som noe litt ekstremt, mens man kan ha et forhold til grenser på soverommet som er like bevisstløst som et Tyra Banks Show uten at det blir tenkt på som ekstremt på den samme måten.

Det er litt ergerlig for scenen at folk tror at de vil bli sett rart på hvis de ikke stiller i lakk eller lær, men det er først og fremst et problem for soveromskinksterne. For miljøet er ikke bare et sted for å slå på hverandre, men et sted for å snakke om det vi gjør, teknikk og etikk.

Soveromsfolket har så alt for ofte bare sin egen erfaring å hente fra. Kanskje en bok, god eller dårlig. Kanskje betroelser fra en venninne som driver med noe liknende på sitt soverom. Men ikke noe miljø som kan gi dem en innføring i det grunnleggende så de kan slippe å gjøre nybegynnerfeilene.

Nå er det ikke slik at alt fra rumper til holdninger og kunnskaper blir rosenrøde bare man tilhører et miljø. Et miljø betyr også at det kan danne seg dogmatiske holdninger. Men det å ha noen å diskutere med lar oss starte utforskninga av vår egen seksualitet med mer kunnskap.

Ekstremt, ikke sant?

Friday, 13 November 2009

67 - Limits

Such cold, hard limits to the things we do.
You help me to so much, and then no more.
Show me fantastic things I never knew
Then massive silence, when I shut the door.

No other way that this could work for you
So well: you tuck me up inside a drawer
Marked neatly with a label, out of view -
Back in the dark, not knowing what’s in store.

But in my head my thoughts are always leaping
Out of their boxes, throwing themselves like fish
Over the rush of water, always keeping
Their eye upon the source – and I just wish
That one day you could come and swim with me,
Shake off your suit and dive into this sea.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

The Ugly Me

When I started this search I promised I would keep it positive, which has been more of a challenge than I anticipated. I’ve been MIA for two weeks (again) and it was this lack of positive energy that made me run.

Because this is a fantasy I believe part of that fantasy is being the passive, supportive, positive girl that I am most of the time. Unfortunately, online hookups can bring out the worst in people. Weather it’s reading the same requests 10 times, knowing that people haven’t taken the time to grasp the least understanding of what I’m looking for, or sheer rudeness it wears me down. Of course I don’t believe this should be taken out on you, but I don’t trust myself not to. So I leave for a while until the idea is again exciting.

Question for you then. What is preferable an absence of a week or two for me to collect my positive thoughts? Or, a few rants here and there on what I hope is otherwise a positive search?

Your Girl.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Temporary Cuckold Tattoos

I’ve mentioned tattoos as a cuckolding factor and idea before here, just thought I would update with some more ideas to add. Here are some lovely barcode ideas, mentioned to me by MistressTorna_Do.

Instead of ‘human’, you could have “cuckold” or some numbers like a regular barcode. Pleacement of these vary, I’ve seen them on the hip, lower back, wrist, palm, and buttocks(this would be more appropriate to those keeping their cucking secret. It also resonates as a very dominant mark on your cuck and makes him feel more owned/submissive):

For those not into permanent tattoos try using henna, or the crystal temporary tattoos, or some jewellery mentioned in this previous post, see example below:

Just a quick update. Today I’m picking up a dark hair weft. Tomorrow I’m picking a disc of sexy playboy style nudes I shot a few months ago! Exciting!

MistressTorna_Do – Always nice to know the backstory of couples. I take it you prefer cucking to BDSM then? That’s great =) That wedding dress looks stunning, I’ll have a post soon on wedding dresses and my ideas about it. I intend to review each segment of the cucold affirmation and talk about my ideas for each part.

Please vote in my new poll in the sidebar. If you leave some more ideas for tatts, I’ll add them. Comments?


Breath Play

I stood between the beds, my hands crossed behind my back. He’d had me bring his belt to him and it was a movie moment as I’d pulled it from the loops of his pants. It was slow, exaggerated in my mind and each time it slide free it was like the clack of the rollercoaster right before the first plunge. I couldn’t hand it to him, instead laying it across the foot of the bed like an offering.

I sat when he bade me to, scooting back as far as I could. When he pushed me onto my back it was uncomfortable but it was a small thing compared to the trepidation I felt.

“You need to listen very carefully to what I say or you can get hurt. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir”

I lay sideways on the bed shivering with anticipation. He stood over me at the foot of the bed and when he spoke, he looked into my eyes, making sure I knew the gravity of the situation. He’d wanted to know what I wanted, what I wished for him to do to me. It took everything I had, but I sent him this.

“You asked me what i wanted, what i hoped for. i can honestly tell You that i don’t think about it often, partially because it is difficult for me, partially because i trust in You to know what i need. i realize that this is lazy in some part. You want to know what i want… i want You to put Your hands around my neck and lose Yourself in the power of complete control. i want to trust in the fact that You won’t hurt me and if You do, there was a reason for that too. Marks, fuck it… i’m in a dangerous mood. If i could have anything, it would be the outline of your hands around my throat. But then, that’s why You’re in charge, because when i am with You, i don’t think clearly.”

Master slid a plastic bag over my face and I panicked for just a moment. The belt held tight and I couldn’t move more than to toss my head but it was futile. My struggle was short lived as he plunged into my pussy stroking hard. I built immediately but the panic crept back in and my mind rebelled. It was then that I heard my Master’s voice.

He told me to open my mouth, wide. The logical part of me screamed but I focused on his voice and did as I was told. At the last moment when I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pass out or cum, he bit a hole in the plastic allowing me to gasp sweet, cool air. His voice pierced everything again, demanding that I cum but I was already there.  It was as if the cool air sucking into my lungs kept going through my body. The more I drank in, the more it poured out of me as I came.

Friday, 6 November 2009

The weekend has arrived!

My book Body Shots will be available on Dec 15th at: It’s part of the Wet theme series. I’ve seen some of the other covers, but not mine yet. They’re all the same, but have a different caveman in it. Have you seen the cavemen? Not that any would be a disappointment, but I’m hoping, no I’m praying I get Angelo! Check him out. He’s the hottie in the middle, with the long brown hair and the sexy body. Wait they all have sexy bodies. I’d like to help him out of those clothes and…damn I guess I’ll just have to add the next thoughts to one of my wips!

I’m still going strong with Nano. I woke up late this morning and thought I wouldn’t meet my minimum, but I was wrong. I got in such a groove I lost track of time and was late waking my daughter up for school. Ooooppps! LOL She was a good sport about it.

Today – 2,021

Now I’m gonna have to find a way to sneak a nap in during the day.

Long time coming...

Wow, I’ve only made one posting since the last Sagacity.  That’s not good.

Another fun weekend awaits.  I’m just finishing up packing (packing for two takes way more space that for one!) and getting ready for the trip out there.  I don’t like travel at the best of time.  Getting there is fine, the travel time to get there not so much.

It’s been a challenging year to say the least.  Many things going on (or not) in my life which always makes things more interesting and not always in a good way!

I hope to have more to say after my Sagacity weekend.  Now things are picking up professionally and personally too perhaps i will have more to say here in the upcoming weeks/months.  I do miss writing here and will have to endeavour to get back into the swing of things.  It’s hard sometimes.

I’m pleased to say that I was asked back to Sagacity as a speaker this time around.  This was a pleasant surprise and is wonderful opportunity.  I’m going to do a workshop on crossdressing but with more of an eye to finding out what people want to learn about it rather than me blathering on about myself for an hour.  I would love to do further workshops on the topic but it would be great to see what people are interested in.  To be honest I have not really seen many workshops on this topic at all at kink conference so I was a bit surprised by the enthusiasm of the organizers when it was suggested.  I always thought of it as more of a fringe topic but perhaps I am wrong.  It will be good to see what sort of crowd this topic generates.  I hope it’s a success and people get something out of it.  I’m sure I’ll have more to say on the topic after the fact and after I find out more about what people think about the topic as well as what they would like to learn.  Maybe with a bit of luck I will get to do my fireplay workshop next year too (winks).

It’s always good to go to these events to meet up with the people you have not seen in a while (not since Primal!).  I am also hoping to try out a new bit of play piercing I’ve been wanting to do now for a while.  I am very keen to see how it works out!  My new rope from Twisted Monk arrived too (black of course)!

Here is to a good weekend and more postings.  It’s almost the end of the year;  perhaps that can be a new years resolution…?

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Apparently, I was being snarky. That’s what Belle said, anyway. I certainly was poking fun at her, but, you know, in the most respectful and loving way possible.

Whatever. She didn’t appreciate it.

“You think that’s funny, do you?” She asked.

“Kinda, yeah.”

“OK. Get the Icy Hot.”


And it went on like that with me begging and squirming and trying to talk her out of it. Eventually, she made me get up and retrieve the tube of devil paste from the bathroom. I got back into bed, placing it on my nightstand, and tried to distract her. I was hoping to be able to wait her out. Soon, she’d be sleepy and maybe I’d get off the hook.

After a few minutes, “Get naked and under the covers.”

I did so, still hoping there’d be a reprieve. In theory, I want her to punish me when she sees the need. In practice, Icy Hot hurts like fuck. Plus, I wasn’t really prepared mentally since I wasn’t even aware I was committing a punishable offense.

“Give me the Icy Hot,” she said. I gave it to her while still doing my best to talk her out of it. She seemed to very much enjoy my pathetic protestations.

“Close your eyes.” Whimper. I closed my eyes and opened my legs, exposing the poor, unsuspecting scrotum.

I heard the cap open…I heard the paste squeezed out…I heard the cap snap shut…a few moments of silence…then I felt her fingers smearing the cold lineament across my skin. As usual, for the first several moments it just felt cold. Then even colder as whatever hellish combustion process it utilizes started to take effect. Then hot. Then really hot. Motherfuckinghot.

I tried not to make too much noise, but each wave of burning was greater than the last. I rolled over on my knees and spread my legs so my nutsack would hang freely. She placed her hand on my back in a gentle, loving way as I clenched my eyes shut against the burning. The fumes of the Icy Hot were traveling up my crack and started to provide my ass with a contact burn. That was new.

She must not have put nearly as much on as last time. The burning waves seemed to start to subside after the forth or fifth. Soon, all I felt was a lingering, low-level heat. As I moved about, the burning would intensify for a few moments and then retreat again. I felt well and truly punished.

The next morning, all the burning just a memory, I still felt the difference. I was much more contrite and feeling the subbie vibe. Icy Hot is almost too intense for us to use in a scene now, but as a punishment it was quite effective. I enjoyed the psychological afterglow of being punished even though the actual act was hard to take. From her perspective, its impact far exceeded the effort she needed to put into it. All she’d have to do in the future to make it a more severe punishment would be to increase the amount applied. Since I really don’t like it all that much, I will truly want to avoid it.

I’ll have to do something about the snark.